Troy Industrial Solutions is excited to share a recent fabrication project. This baghouse, the stack beside it and the screw conveyor behind it was designed, managed and fabricated by our facility in Brewer, Maine for a soil remediation company in New Hampshire. The project is a classic example of the capabilities and capacities available in our Maine facility.
The project helped the client a realize an 8% increase in the efficiency of their system, which is a significant improvement given the scale of their process.
Troy’s Brewer, Maine fabrication facility has the space, experience, materials and know-how to create baghouses, conveyors and much, much more for industries including :
- Aggregate
- Aluminum
- Bin Ventilation
- Biomass
- Brick
- Building Materials
- Buffing
- Calcination
- Carbon
- Cement and Asphalt
- Ceramics
- Coal
- Copper
- Corn Processing
- Fertilizer
- Fiberglass
- Fly ash
- Food processing
- Grinding
- Iron & Steel
- Lead
- Mineral Wool
- Mixing Oil, Gas & Petroleum
- Packaging
- Pharmaceuticals
- Pulp & Paper
- Polishing
- Plastics
- Sanding
- Sawing
- Woodworking